About us
AAIDA is a national NGO that was established in August 2017 in Luanda Angola. The main areas of intervention of AAIDA are: a) Provide humanitarian assistance, b) Provide training to populations, c) Support the development of activities in agriculture, self-construction, farming, childcare, fisheries, d) Provide training in preventive health and strengthening the health system, e) Contribute to the protection and preservation of the environment and f) Conduct seminars, colloquiums, conferences and training courses for populations in various fields.
A secure natural heritage of Angola and improved lives of Angolans
AAIDA´s mission is to promote the economic, social and cultural development of Angolan communities.
Board of Directors
Felicia Maria Amaral Comandante - President
Felicia has a post graduate diploma in Public Health from the Catholic University of Angola. She holds a Bachelor in Science Degree in Laboratory Analysis and Public Health from the Methodist University of Angola. She has worked as a national trainer for the blood bank, an area where she is skillful. She has attended a wide number of courses and she is the owner of a medical centre in Luanda. She has worked as a private consultant conducting field surveys. Felicia has worked in the Namibia on human rights. She worked a field officer with an International NGO in Angola.
Mr Jose Damiao Manuel Paulo

Mr Jose Paulo holds a bachelors degree in economics from the Instituto Superior de Ciencas Socias e Relacoes Internacionais in Angola. He is a well rounded professional with knowledge in accounting, business administration, logistics, procurement and human resources. He worked for five years with the British Embassy in Luanda Angola as a trade adviser. He has six years experience working with international humanitarian organizations in different leadership positions. He has also worked in the oil service provision sector in Angola.
Benedito Henrique Ricardo
Has a certificate in administration and commerce from the Instituto Santo Rafael in Angola. He has a diploma in pharmacy. Ricardo was country manager for GlaxoSmithKline in Angola for three years. Prior to that he had worked as commercial director for Laborex and as a medical delegate for SANDOZ pharmaceuticals. Ricardo has ten years experience working with the UN as finance and logistics officer. Mr Ricardo continues to work with the pharmaceutical industry.
Anna Nakale-Kawana
Anna holds a MSc Financial Economics from the University of London and MA Joint Hons degree in economics and agricultural - economics from Aberdeen University in the United Kingdom. She also holds a number of certificates and a diploma in management and development studies.
Anna worked in the financial sector in Namibia for about 25 years. She held several management positions in the Ministry of Finance. She has been at the helm of Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation (NAMIBRE) as a Managing Director for 10 years. She served on Board of Directors of various organizations both in private and semi-government sector. During her many years of practical and professional engagement she has gained extensive experience in human resource management, finance, economics and general management
Margarida Essenje Comandante Sachitundu
She holds a BSC in human resource management from the Luziada University in Angola. Margarida has experience working with NGOs in the accounts department. She has worked as a youth trainer with FBOs and has extensive experience as a female youth leader.